Thursday, October 17, 2019

Navajo Fried Bread #1

Navajo Fried Bread #1

6 cups unsifted flour
1 tbsp salt
2 tables spoons baking pwder
1/2 cup instant non-fat dry milk
2 3/4 cups lukewarm water (approximate)
lard or shortening for frying

Combine flour salt, balking powder and dry milk in a bowl. Add enough lukewarm water to make a soft dough. Knead throroughly. Pinch off a ball of dough about the size of a large eg. Shape it round and flat with a small hole in the middle. Work it back and forth from one had to the other to make it thinner and thinner. Stretch gradually to a diameter of about nine inches.
Heat fat at least an inch deep in a heavy round iron skillet. Drop thin rounds of dough into hot fat and fry to a light brown n one side. Then turn and fry the other side. As it fries, the bread puffs up and becomes light.
Drain each piece on paper towel. Serve hot with butter, jam, or honey. Makes about 18 to 24 pieces about nine inches across.
Arizona Cook Book (1998) by Al Fischer and Mildred Fisher

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