Sunday, October 13, 2019

In the beginning...

I've decided to post recipes from community cookbooks I've gathered through the years. These cookbooks were printed in small batches always as fundraisers and usually to commemorate some sort of anniversary of the organization. An excellent idea in my opinion. Celebrate with food by sharing recipes. It's also a great way to snag the egg salad recipe fo your neighbor's you've been envying or find a Christmas cookie recipes the in-laws haven't heard of.
The first frost is coming. The harvest is nearly in. The air is chill. It's time to get comfy and party season is coming.
The recipes are going to be presented as they are in the books. I'll try to add notes to explain things that might not be obvious to us in our times. If you have any questions, ask. If you try a recipe, please post your results!

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