Thursday, October 17, 2019

Navajo Fried Bread #3

Navajo Fried Bread #3

3 cups flour
3 tbsp lard (or vegetables shortening)
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup water

Measure dry inredients into deep mixing bowl. Add lard and knead with hands until lard is in small pea size pieces. Add warm (not hot) water and knead with hands until dough is smooth and does not stick to sides of bowl. Knead at least 5 minutes. Cover with dish towel. Place in warm place and let rest for not less than 30 minutes.

Melt enough lard in a heavy 9" skillet so that there is about 1 inch liquid depth. Heat for deep fat frying. A small piece of dough about 2/3 of a tennis ball. Pat and shape into a six to eight inch diameter and 1/4 inch thick. Poke a hole in center with finer. Drop into hot fat, turning only once so that each side is a light golden brown.

Serve warm. Sprinkle top with sugar, sugar and cinnamon, or powdered sugar, if desired.
Arizona Cook Book (1998) by Al Fischer and Mildred Fisher

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