Sunday, October 13, 2019

Aunt Pem's Springerie (German) - Mrs. Peter Lindberg (Molded Cookies)

Aunt Pem's Springerie (German)

4 eggs, separated
grated rind of 1 lemon
1 lb confectioner's sugar
1 lb flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder

Beat the yolks of 4 eggs until light and the whites until dry and stiff; then fold the yolks and whites together. Add the lemon rind and gradually beat in the sugar. Add the flour which has been sifted with the salt and baking powder.
Roll the dough out to about 1/4 in. in thickness (thinner or thicker as you like, but handle carefully) using just enough  flour to keep it from sticking. Rollover with the springerle roller. Cut cookes apart and put on anise-sprinkled baking sheets (greased). set overnight and bake until a deep cream color, 6 to 10 minutes at 325 deg. Store in closed container to mellow.
I usually make 2 batches at once and place the cookies on greased, anise-sprinkled foil. Then the next morning I slide the foil onto baking sheets and bake.
- - Mrs. Peter Lindberg
Trinity Treasures, Trinity Lutheran Church, Blue Earth, MN 1966

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