

POOR MAN'S BREAD - a fried dough typically shaped as an elongated diamond with a slit in the center and one point pulled through the center of the diamond to make a twist

Hints about Komla
  1. Always dip spoon in the broth each time before spooning up the potato mixture. It slides off much easier.
  2. Some of the fat may be skimmed off the broth and added to the flour, potato mixture before boiling.
  3. Some people like to drink sour milk or buttermilk with komla.
  4. Sour cream is also used with komla when eaten.
  5. Butter is the most common thing used on komla.
  6. After grating th potatoes, let stand 2-3 minutes, then pour off the water. Russet potatoes are best because they are a drier potato. You will still have to pour off some whater, however.
  7. 5-6 medium potatoes when grated should make about 2 cups grated raw potatoes.
  8. A good menu to have with komla is:
    Fresh fruit salad
    Green beans
    Relish tray
    Sherbet dessert

The cookie dough is typically rolled into a rope the size of a pencil and shaped into one of the following traditional shapes.
Figure 8  Pretzel or Twist




  1. Flour and milk may be well beaten, then blended with slightly beaten eggs.
  2. Blisters on krollettes indicate eggs have been beaten too much.
  3. The iron s not deep enough in fat if krollette drops off in fat
  4. Krolettes which do not come off easily from iron have not been fried long enough to dry in the center.
  5. Krollettes are not crisp if they have been fried too fast.
  6. Be sure to wipe excess fat from iron each time before dipping in batter. Tapping the iron on several thicknesses of flannel works well for this.
  7. Do not let batter come up over the top of the iron.


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